Wad List

156 wads

File Name Author Iwad Demos Length
wack wack Jim Flynn doom 8 18:17
wad wad Johnnie Chan & Simon Griffin doom 4 21:31
wad04 wad04 Robert Dudley doom2 1 5:41
wadodeth wadodeth Dan Cormack doom 22 6:48
wadpak1a wadpak1a Various doom 99 2:46:12
wadpak2 wadpak2 Various doom 56 3:59:02
wadpak3 WADPAK3.WAD Various doom 68 4:22:41
wadpak4 wadpak4 Various doom 63 3:53:12
wagessin wagessin Sam K. Ellis III doom 1 4:51
wahnsinn wahnsinn Colin Mitchell doom2 1 7:44
wailhord wailhord Chris Hansen doom 1 11:45
walk2 Walk Of Fath Jason Merkel hexen 2 1:50
walker walker Calabraun doom 8 9:02
walls walls Kurt Schulenburg doom 1 2:55
walltrap walltrap Martin Beggerman doom 4 2:20
walzhaus walzhaus Tom Walz doom 10 1:52
wang WANG Argent Agent, Decay, HeavenWraith, Razgriz, Synami doom2 11 34:18
wanton wanton Jason Franklin doom 2 25:53
wanton12 wanton12 Jason Franklin doom 1 21:25
want_wad want_wad Dr. I. Badcoe doom 2 17:31
war_3 DSV3-War Samuel Villarreal doom2 63 3:02:04
warbaby warbaby Ben Morris doom 3 29:27
warcade1 warcade1 Sam Ketner doom2 3 8:22
warcade2 warcade2 Sam Ketner doom2 2 5:11
warcade3 warcade3 Sam Ketner doom2 2 3:07
warcade4 warcade4 Sam Ketner doom2 4 16:19
warcade5 warcade5 Sam Ketner doom2 4 11:47
warehse1 warehse1 Jeff Gerstmann doom 4 15:48
wargames War Games Neil (kshaw@bud.peinet.pe.ca) doom2 3 0:39
warglaive Warglaive EANB doom2 5 12:55
warhell warhell Jow doom 3 4:43
warhouse warhouse Mike Barker doom 2 17:31
waronxmas A War On Christmas Andrea Rovenski doom2 186 10:32:56
waronxmas2 A War On Christmas: Pa... Andrea Rovenski doom2 148 4:55:32
waronxmas3 A War On Christmas 3: ... Andrea Rovenski doom2 28 2:14:20
warped warped Jason Free doom2 4 5:18
warped_e1m1 warped_e1m1 Unknown doom 4 1:59
warzone warzone David Lewis doom 7 39:00
warzone4 warzone4 David Lewis doom 1 4:54
wase2 wase2 Walter Confalonieri doom 4 13:58
washmonu washmonu Vince Lupo doom2 1 0:32
waste waste Steve Johnston doom 26 1:19:43
wasted_2000 UAC Nukage Processing ... Chris Hansen plutonia 2 9:01
wasted_2006 WASTED: UAC Waste Faci... Rusty Slacker doom2 2 3:21
wastedt Wasted Temple Vasek "Damned" Havranek doom2 1 7:01
waste_m waste_m Josh Frazier doom2 1 1:11
wasteproc wasteproc 5hfifty doom 1 3:26
watch51 watch51 Andrew Gill doom 2 6:26
waterplant Water Plant Avrg User doom2 1 1:27
waterpurify Water Purifying Plant A Stone (BillyBones) doom2 1 2:03
waterw waterw mrthejoshmon tnt 1 6:17
waterwks waterwks Michael Morrison doom2 5 17:18
watrsp Water Spirit Manbou(burabojunior) doom2 12 1:50:59
waverly waverly Alastair Montgomery doom2 5 4:07
wax2 wax2.zip Kyle Ver Steeg doom2 3 0:40
waybac waybac Bruce Chastain doom2 1 3:22
waybac2 waybac2 Bruce Chastain doom2 4 0:59
waycool waycool Unknown doom 1 4:05
wayfarer wayfarer Not Jabba heretic 20 30:10
wayne wayne Wayne Watt doom 4 9:07
wb1_lof Take a Leap of Faith! White-Beard (Chad M. Berg) doom 1 1:24
wbns wbns Michael Lundy doom 3 10:23
wd13 wd13 Wraith doom 47 1:20:25
wdictv what do i call this dewad doom2 1 0:19
weagle1 weagle1 Kevin Tinkler doom2 4 3:12
weare183 weare183 Walter Confalonieri doom2 1 1:50
weather Bad Weather Ilya Lazarev (joe-ilya) doom2 3 7:21
wedge wedge Chris Straw doom 3 3:22
weezul15 WEEZUL.WAD James Gerbino doom 13 18:31
weklesse weklesse Fonze doom2 1 0:08
welhell welhell Paul Schmitz doom2 3 17:09
westwing The West Wing Kevin Eudy doom 1 1:22
wetlands Wetlands Squonkamatic for the People!! doom2 11 2:02
wetwrkd1 wetwrkd1 Zen Psychosis doom 2 8:44
wetwrkd2 wetwrkd2 Zen Psychosis doom2 1 4:53
wh1024 wh1024 Will Hackney doom2 2 0:12
whack whack Mr. Chris doom2 2 5:08
whare15 whare15 Mike McGrath doom 4 10:37
whatlies What Lies Beneath Various doom2 1 9:37
whiplash whiplash Unknown doom 2 6:40
whisky Whisky Ribbiks doom2 1 3:41
whisper Whisper of the Heart Phoenyx doom2 24 52:14
white white Stephen Woods doom 5 7:33
white2 Whitemare 2 Various doom2 69 4:13:12
whitehou whitehou Kir. Maximth P. Sholovuanoff tnt 10 6:19
whitemar Whitemare Various doom2 54 3:21:03
whitroom whitroom Doug Ryerson doom 3 6:43
wh_kmire wh_kmire William Huber doom2 2 9:16
whouse whouse Pablo Dictter doom 1 2:50
whtrmns What Remains Various doom2 9 1:31:46
wicked wicked Ken Seaman doom 1 8:25
wicked_1 Something Wicked This ... ReX Claussen doom2 1 0:40
wicked_2 wicked_2 Rex Claussen doom2 2 7:28
wicked_3 wicked_3 Rex Claussen doom2 4 6:27
wicked_4 For the Wicked Shall P... ReX Claussen doom2 1 12:48
wicked_5 wicked_5 Rex Claussen doom2 2 20:27
wicked_6 The Wicked and the Damned ReX Claussen doom2 1 3:47
wicked_7 wicked_7 Rex Claussen doom2 3 38:36
wicked_8 Damnation Awaits the W... Rex Claussen doom2 1 7:53
wicked_9 Exalt not the Wicked ReX Claussen doom2 1 8:09
widow101 widow101 Ole Kielland doom 4 15:22
widowmkr widowmkr Mark Harrison doom 2 19:32
wille1m1 wille1m1 William Leslie doom 5 9:02
william1 william1 Satchi Inoue doom 1 13:21
win7 win7 Alamain doom 3 9:22
wint wint Lainos doom2 1 2:49
winterdm Winter Themed Deathmatch Marcin Tyler Szot - MarchWhelp - BlueOasis doom2 10 0:40
wish wish Jonathan Rimmer doom2 2 10:22
wit wit Boon Lived doom2 18 33:21
witness witness Nicolas Monti doom2 3 2:42
wizdm3_5 wizdm3_5 Anthony Marino & Kim Roser doom 1 7:34
wizdoom wizdoom Anthony Marino & Sal Gonzalez doom 1 6:03
wizdoom2 wizdoom2 Anthony Marino & Sal Gonzalez doom 1 24:46
wl4phoenyx With Love For Phoenyx Various doom2 8 34:15
wlabs wlabs Sauli Sammalisto doom 1 4:22
wlkabot2 wlkabot2 Jens Nielsen doom2 2 13:05
wll wll Phil Roberts doom 1 4:30
wmdrr A wad made by Ruben Re... Ruben F. Duarte aka BennyD doom2 1 4:19
wniepooh Winnie Pooh Bzzrak Ktazzz doom 2 1:10
woga11 woga11 Wolfgang Grassl doom 2 5:27
wolf wolf David Meurin doom 1 9:34
wolf2 wolf2 John Chapman doom 2 10:06
wolfb wolfb Warren doom 3 1:13
wolfien wolfien Symo Storr doom2 1 2:48
wonderwheel Wonder Wheel Albatross doom2 1 0:45
wood wood Ryan Shephard doom 1 9:39
woodburn woodburn Sam Ketner doom2 1 3:19
woodhal2 woodhal2 David Damerell doom 1 4:09
woody18 woody18 Nick Olman doom 2 13:33
woodyworld1k Woody's World Episode ... Woody101 @Doomworld doom2 3 0:56
woof Woof Lester John doom2 1 2:15
wophom wophom Baluk doom2 3 5:35
wopworld wopworld Bob, Cortex, Miq, Baluk doom 27 1:14:13
world world Morten Stromsvold doom2 40 3:14:50
wormwood Wormwood Ribbiks & Grain of Salt doom2 10 45:09
wormwood3 Wormwood ]|[ - The Horror Ribbiks & Grain of Salt doom2 14 52:42
wormwood4 Wormwood IV - The Fina... Ribbiks, Grain of Salt, & dannebubinga doom2 18 1:49:55
wormwood5 worm\V/wood Ribbiks & Grain of Salt doom2 13 1:36:10
wormwood_eu Wormwood: Expanded Uni... Ribbiks & Grain of Salt doom2 30 2:27:35
wornpeas wornpeas Karl Minor doom2 2 34:41
wos Whispers of Satan Paul Corfiatis & Kristian Aro doom2 273 30:08:56
wotdoom3 wotdoom3 Chad Moore doom2 1 1:15
wow wow Paul Thrussell doom 13 1:46
wow23 wow23 DSM doom2 2 1:04
wreck wreck Unknown doom 5 14:15
wrongkey wrongkey Henk Gierveld doom2 2 4:12
wsarena wsarena Walter D. Sanz doom 1 8:22
wsprison wsprison Walter D. Sanz doom 2 28:21
wstland The Wasteland Series Alberto Barsella doom 1 2:37
wstowr12 wstowr12 Walter D. Sanz & Andy Olivera doom 1 27:55
wtf-pnsh wtf-pnsh Dario Casali doom2 5 1:10:36
wtrfront wtrfront Scott Crank doom2 4 26:08
wwcc wwcc Brent Hedden doom2 1 3:39
wwf wwf Eric Wescott doom 3 1:28
ww-nr4u ww-nr4u wildweasel doom2 1 3:20
wytch wytch Richard Jacques doom2 7 8:12