Plutonia 7: Going To The Hell DoomTheRobot & General Roasterock

78 demos, 1:41:21.29 | Table View | Leaderboard | Stats |

Level Category Player(s) Engine Note Time
Map 27 Pacifist GarrettChan 4shockblast Woof v14.5.0cl9 2P 0:01.71
GarrettChan 4shockblast Woof v12.0.0cl9 2P 0:02.17
Meowgi DSDA-Doom v0.21.3cl9 0:04.94
Tezur0 DSDA-Doom v0.14.0cl9 0:05.97
Meowgi DSDA-Doom v0.19.3cl9 0:06.40
Stroller Philnemba DSDA-Doom v0.24.3cl9 0:06.80