The Ultimate Doom id Software

7669 demos, 395:22:10.52 | Default View | Stats |


E4M1 NM Speed Leaderboard

Position Player Engine Note Time Date
1 Brian Martin Crispy Doom v5.8.0 0:25.14 2021-11-04
2 Guiddqd DooM v1.9 0:27.63 2019-10-17
3 Vile DooM v1.9 0:35.60 2002-09-14
4 Anders Johnsen DooM v1.9 0:39.37 1998-09-08
5 Vincent Catalaa DooM v1.9 0:41.40 1999-10-25
6 Datacore85 PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl-1 0:54.29 2020-06-12
7 Laurent Sebellin DooM v1.9 0:54.54 2008-05-08
8 Opulent DooM v1.9 0:56.34 2017-11-25
9 Adam Hegyi DooM v1.9 0:56.94 1999-07-08
10 Ryback DooM v1.9 1:03.14 2000-05-26
11 Xit Vono DooM v1.9 1:08.51 2022-01-26
12 4shockblast PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl3 1:16.23 2013-03-30
Doesn't use the Red Key grab.
13 Andreas Kren DooM v1.9 1:27.06 1996-10-04